Growth outcomes of small for gestational age preterm infants before and after implementation of an exclusive human milk-based diet
Source: Journal of Perinatology
Source: Journal of Perinatology
Source: Breastfeeding Medicine
Source: Nutrients
Prolacta > Resources & Evidence
Breastfeeding Medicine
Lucas A, Boscardin J, Abrams SA
BMJ Open Quality
Kresch M, Mehra K, Jack R, Greecher C
Pediatrics International
Mizuno K, Shimizu T, Ida S, et al.
PLoS One
Scholz SM, Greiner W
Advances in Neonatal Care
Delaney Manthe E, Perks PH, Swanson JR
Seminars in Perinatology
Taylor SN
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Knake LA, King BC, Gollins LA, et al.
BMC Pediatrics
Hampson G, Roberts SLE, Lucas A, Parkin D
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Sato R, Malai S, Razmjouy B
Eibensteiner F, Auer-Hackenberg L, Jilma B, Thanhaeuser M, Wald M, Haiden N
Growth outcomes of small for gestational age preterm infants before and after implementation of an exclusive human milk-based diet
Topics(s): Growth Late-onset sepsis Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC)
Journal of Perinatology
Fleig L, Hagan J, Lee ML, Abrams SA, Hawthorne KM, Hair AB
Small for gestational age (SGA) preterm infants (PT) are at greatest risk for growth failure. Our objective was to assess the impact of an exclusive human milk diet (HUM) on growth velocities and neonatal morbidities from birth to discharge in a SGA population.
Study design
Multicenter, retrospective cohort study, subgroup analysis of SGA PT comparing a cow’s milk diet (CMD) with HUM diet.
At birth 420 PT were classified as SGA (197 CMD group, 223 HUM group). Demographics and anthropometric measurements were similar. HUM group PT showed improvement in length Z score at discharge (p = 0.024) and reduction in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) (p = 0.004).
SGA PT fed a HUM diet had significantly decreased incidence of NEC, surgical NEC, and late-onset sepsis. Due to concerns about growth in a HUM diet, it is reassuring SGA infants fed the HUM diet had similar growth to CMD diet with trends toward improvement
Preterm infants fed cow's milk-derived fortifier had adverse outcomes despite a base diet of only mother's own milk
Topics(s): Mortality Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC)
Breastfeeding Medicine
Lucas A, Boscardin J, Abrams SA
An increasingly common practice is to feed preterm infants a base diet comprising only human milk (HM), usually fortified with a cow's milk (CM)-derived fortifier (CMDF). We evaluated the safety of CMDF in a diet of 100% mother's own milk (MOM) against a HM-derived fortifier (HMDF). To date, this has received little research attention.
Study Design
We reanalyzed a 12-center randomized trial, originally comparing exclusive HM feeding, including MOM, donor milk (DM), and HMDF, versus a CM exposed group fed MOM, preterm formula (PTF), and CMDF1. However, for the current study, we performed a subgroup analysis (n = 114) selecting only infants receiving 100% MOM base diet plus fortification, and fed no DM or PTF. This allowed for an isolated comparison of fortifier type: CMDF versus HMDF to evaluate the primary outcomes: necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and a severe morbidity index of NEC surgery or death; and several secondary outcomes.
CMDF and HMDF groups had similar baseline characteristics. CMDF was associated with higher risk of NEC; relative risk (RR) 4.2 (p = 0.038), NEC surgery or death (RR 5.1, p = 0.014); and reduced head circumference gain (p = 0.04).
In neonates fed, as currently recommended with a MOM-based diet, the safety of CMDF when compared to HMDF has been little researched. We conclude that available evidence points to an increase in adverse outcomes with CMDF, including NEC and severe morbidity comprising NEC surgery or death.
Continuous feedings of fortified human milk lead to nutrient losses of fat, calcium and phosphorous
Topics(s): Feeding protocols Parenteral nutrition (PN/TPN) use
Rogers SP, Hicks PD, Hamzo M, Veit LE, Abrams SA
Substantial losses of nutrients may occur during tube (gavage) feeding of fortified human milk. Our objective was to compare the losses of key macronutrients and minerals based on method of fortification and gavage feeding method.
We used clinically available gavage feeding systems and measured pre- and post-feeding (end-point) nutrient content of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (Phos), protein, and fat. Comparisons were made between continuous, gravity bolus, and 30-minute infusion pump feeding systems, as well as human milk fortified with donor human milk-based and bovine milk-based human milk fortifier using an in vitro model.
Feeding method was significantly associated with fat and Ca losses, with increased losses in continuous feeds. Fat losses in continuous feeds were substantial, with 40 ± 3 % of initial fat lost during the feeding process. After correction for feeding method, human milk fortified with donor milk-based fortifier was associated with significantly less loss of Ca (8 ± 4% vs. 28 ± 4%, p< 0.001), Phos (3 ± 4% vs. 24 ± 4%, p < 0.001), and fat (17 ± 2% vs. 25 ± 2%, p = 0.001) than human milk fortified with a bovine milk-based fortifier (Mean ± SEM).
Preterm infants fed cow's milk-derived fortifier had adverse outcomes despite a base diet of only mother's own milk
Topics(s): Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Growth Late-onset sepsis Mortality Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Breastfeeding Medicine
Lucas A, Boscardin J, Abrams SA
An increasingly common practice is to feed preterm infants a base diet comprising only human milk (HM), usually fortified with a cow's milk (CM)-derived fortifier (CMDF). We evaluated the safety of CMDF in a diet of 100% mother's own milk (MOM) against a HM-derived fortifier (HMDF). To date, this has received little research attention.
We reanalyzed a 12-center randomized trial, originally comparing exclusive HM feeding, including MOM, donor milk (DM), and HMDF, versus a CM exposed group fed MOM, preterm formula (PTF), and CMDF1. However, for the current study, we performed a subgroup analysis (n = 114) selecting only infants receiving 100% MOM base diet plus fortification, and fed no DM or PTF. This allowed for an isolated comparison of fortifier type: CMDF versus HMDF to evaluate the primary outcomes: necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and a severe morbidity index of NEC surgery or death; and several secondary outcomes.
CMDF and HMDF groups had similar baseline characteristics. CMDF was associated with higher risk of NEC; relative risk (RR) 4.2 (p = 0.038), NEC surgery or death (RR 5.1, p = 0.014); and reduced head circumference gain (p = 0.04).
In neonates fed, as currently recommended with a MOM-based diet, the safety of CMDF when compared to HMDF has been little researched. We conclude that available evidence points to an increase in adverse outcomes with CMDF, including NEC and severe morbidity comprising NEC surgery or death.
Sustaining improved nutritional support for very low birthweight infants
Topics(s): Feeding protocols Growth Late-onset sepsis Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Neurodevelopmental outcomes
BMJ Open Quality
Kresch M, Mehra K, Jack R, Greecher C
Postnatal growth failure (PGF) in very low birthweight (VLBW) infants is a result of factors such as prematurity, acute illness and suboptimal nutritional support. Before this project began, 84% of appropriately grown VLBW infants in our neonatal intensive care unit experienced PGF. The aims of this quality improvement project were to reduce the percentage of infants discharged with PGF to less than 50% within 2 years and to maintain a rate of PGF under 50%.
All inborn VLBW infants were eligible for this study. Infants with congenital anomalies were excluded. We determined key drivers for optimal nutrition and identified potentially better practices (process measures) based on a review of the literature, which included more rapid initiation of starter total parenteral nutrition (TPN), aggressive use and advancement of regular TPN, and fortification of human milk when the volume of intake reached 80 mL/kg/day. Three Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles were tested.
Time to initiation of starter TPN was significantly reduced from 5.5 hours to under 3 hours. Regular TPN provided the goals for amino acids and lipids at increased frequency after the first two PDSA cycles. The proportion of infants whose milk was fortified at 80 mL/kg/day increased after the third PDSA cycle.
We found a sustained decrease in the percentage of infants discharged with PGF from 84% at baseline to fewer than 50% beginning in 2010–2011 through 2016, with 23.1% of infants experiencing PGF in 2016. We have achieved improved nutritional support for VLBW infants using the model for improvement.
Policy statement of enteral nutrition for preterm and very low birthweight infants
Topics(s): Cost savings / cost effectiveness Feeding intolerance Length of hospital stay Parenteral nutrition (PN/TPN) use
Pediatrics International
Mizuno K, Shimizu T, Ida S, et al.
For preterm and very low birthweight infants, the mother’s own milk is the best nutrition. Based on the latest information for mothers who give birth to preterm and very low birthweight infants, medical staff should encourage and assist mothers to pump or express and provide their own milk whenever possible.
(2) If the supply of maternal milk is insufficient even though they receive adequate support, or the mother’s own milk cannot be given to her infant for any reason, donor human milk should be used.
(3) Donors who donate their breast milk need to meet the Guideline of the Japan Human Milk Bank Association.
(4) Donor human milk should be provided according to the medical needs of preterm and very low birthweight infants, regardless of their family’s financial status.
(5) In the future, it will be necessary to create a system to supply an exclusive human milk‐based diet (EHMD), consisting of human milk with the addition of a human milk‐derived human milk fortifier, to preterm and very low birthweight infants.
An exclusive human milk diet for very low birth weight newborns—a cost-effectiveness and EVPI study for Germany.
Topics(s): Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Cost savings / cost effectiveness Late-onset sepsis Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
PLoS One
Scholz SM, Greiner W
Human milk-based fortifiers have shown a protective effect on major complications for very low birth weight newborns. The current study aimed to estimate the cost-effectiveness of an exclusive human milk diet (EHMD) compared to the current approach using cow’s milk-based fortifiers in very low birth weight newborns.
A decision tree model using the health states of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, NEC + sepsis and no complication was used to calculate the cost-effectiveness of an EHMD. For each health state, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), retinopathy of prematurity (RoP) and neurodevelopmental problems were included as possible complications; additionally, short-bowel syndrome (SBS) was included as a complication for surgical treatment of NEC. The model was stratified into birth weight categories. Costs for inpatient treatment and long-term consequences were considered from a third party payer perspective for the reference year 2017. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed, including a societal perspective, discounting rate and all input parameter-values.
In the base case, the EHMD was estimated to be cost-effective compared to the current nutrition for very low birth weight newborns with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €28,325 per Life-Year-Gained (LYG). From a societal perspective, the ICER is €27,494/LYG using a friction cost approach and €16,112/LYG using a human capital approach. Deterministic sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the estimate was robust against changes in the input parameters and probabilistic sensitivity analysis suggested that the probability EHMD was cost-effective at a threshold of €45,790/LYG was 94.8 percent.
Adopting EHMD as the standard approach to nutrition is a cost-effective intervention for very low birth weight newborns in Germany.
Team-based implementation of an exclusive human milk diet
Topics(s): Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Growth Late-onset sepsis Length of hospital stay Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Parenteral nutrition (PN/TPN) use Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Advances in Neonatal Care
Delaney Manthe E, Perks PH, Swanson JR
The University of Virginia neonatal intensive care unit is a 51-bed unit with approximately 600 to 700 admissions per year. Despite evidenced-based clinical care, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and feeding intolerance remained problematic.
In September 2016, the neonatal intensive care unit implemented an exclusive human milk diet (EHMD) for infants born 1250 g or less with the goal of reducing NEC, feeding intolerance, parenteral nutrition use, and late-onset sepsis. Length of stay, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and retinopathy of prematurity were also evaluated.
A work group developed systems for charging and documenting products used in an EHMD. Outcomes were compared with a control group of similar infants born prior to the availability of the EHMD.
Infants who received an EHMD had significantly fewer late-onset sepsis evaluations (P = .0027) and less BPD (P = .018). While not statistically significant, less surgical NEC was also demonstrated (4 cases vs 1 case, which was 57% of total NEC cases vs 14.3%) while maintaining desirable weight gain and meeting financial goals.
Solely human milk diets for preterm infants
Topics(s): Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Seminars in Perinatology
Taylor SN
Human milk provides not only ideal nutrition for infant development but also immunologic factors to protect from infection and inflammation. For the newborn preterm infant, the natural delivery of milk is not attainable, and instead pumped maternal milk, donor human milk, and human milk fortification are mainstays of clinical care. Current research demonstrates a decreased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis with maternal milk and donor human milk when individually compared to formula and with a complete human milk diet of maternal milk supplemented with donor human milk. The incidence of severe retinopathy of prematurity is decreased with an exclusive human milk diet, and this decrease is more pronounced with human milk-based compared to bovine milk-based human milk fortifier. The incidence of other morbidities such as late-onset sepsis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia is decreased with higher dose of human milk though significant differences are not apparent in exclusive human milk diet studies.
Optimizing the use of human milk cream supplement in very preterm infants: growth and cost outcomes
Topics(s): Cost savings / cost effectiveness Growth
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Knake LA, King BC, Gollins LA, et al.
An exclusive human milk–based diet has been shown to decrease necrotizing enterocolitis and improve outcomes for infants ≤1250 g birth weight. Studies have shown that infants who received an exclusive human milk diet with a donor‐human milk–derived cream supplement (cream) had improved weight and length velocity when the cream was added to mother's own milk or donor‐human milk when energy was <20 kcal/oz using a human milk analyzer. Our objective was to compare growth and cost outcomes of infants ≤1250 g birth weight fed with an exclusive human milk diet, with and without human milk cream, without the use of a human milk analyzer.
Two cohorts of human milk–fed premature infants were compared from birth to 34 weeks postmenstrual age. Group 1 (2010–2011) received a donor‐human milk fortifier, whereas Group 2 (2015–2016) received donor‐human milk fortifier plus the commercial cream supplement, if weight gain was <15 g/kg/d.
There was no difference in growth between the 2 groups for weight (P = 0.32) or head circumference (P = 0.90). Length velocity was greater for Group 1 (P = 0.03). The mean dose of donor‐human milk fortifier was lower in Group 2 (P < 0.001). Group 2 saved an average of $2318 per patient on the cost of human milk products (P < 0.01).
Infants receiving a human milk diet with cream supplementation for growth faltering achieve appropriate growth in a cost‐effective feeding strategy.
An economic analysis of human milk supplementation for very low birth weight babies in the USA
Topics(s): Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Cost savings / cost effectiveness Length of hospital stay Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Neurodevelopmental outcomes Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
BMC Pediatrics
Hampson G, Roberts SLE, Lucas A, Parkin D
An exclusive human milk diet (EHMD) using human milk based products (pre-term formula and fortifiers) has been shown to lead to significant clinical benefits for very low birth weight (VLBW) babies (below 1250 g). This is expensive relative to diets that include cow’s milk based products, but preliminary economic analyses have shown that the costs are more than offset by a reduction in the cost of neonatal care. However, these economic analyses have not completely assessed the economic implications of EHMD feeding, as they have not considered the range of outcomes affected by it.
We conducted an economic analysis of EHMD compared to usual practice of care amongst VLBW babies in the US, which is to include cow's milk based products when required. Costs were evaluated from the perspective of the health care payer, with societal costs considered in sensitivity analyses.
An EHMD substantially reduces mortality and improves other health outcomes, as well as generating substantial cost savings of $16,309 per infant by reducing adverse clinical events. Cost savings increase to $117,239 per infant when wider societal costs are included.
An EHMD is dominant in cost-effectiveness terms, that is it is both cost-saving and clinically beneficial, for VLBW babies in a US-based setting.
Necrotizing enterocolitis reduction using an exclusive human-milk diet and probiotic supplementation in infants with 1000-1499 gram birth weight
Topics(s): Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Probiotics
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Sato R, Malai S, Razmjouy B
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a major complication confronting clinicians caring for premature infants. This investigation compares clinical outcomes before and after quality improvement–program interventions in a population of premature infants at intermediate risk for NEC.
This study is a retrospective single‐center chart review of infants admitted with a birth weight of 1000–1499 g, excluding major congenital anomalies, over a 6‐year period, beginning with implementation of a donor breast‐milk program when mother's own milk was not available. Infants were separated into 2 epochs, before (July 2012–December 2013) and after (April 2014–June 2018) introduction of human milk–derived fortifier (Prolacta) and a daily probiotic (FloraBABY) supplement.
Comparing 140 preintervention infants with 265 postintervention infants, NEC was significantly lower in the postintervention group: 5.2% vs 1.1% (P = 0.046). Somatic growth was similar in both epochs.
Quality‐improvement initiatives utilizing an exclusive human‐milk diet and daily probiotic supplementation were associated with a decreased incidence of NEC in infants with a birth weight of 1000–1499 g. Implementation of the NEC reduction bundle did not affect infant growth
Growth, feeding tolerance, and metabolism in extreme preterm infants under an exclusive human milk diet.
Topics(s): Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) Feeding intolerance Growth Late-onset sepsis Mortality Necrotizing entercolitis (NEC) Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Eibensteiner F, Auer-Hackenberg L, Jilma B, Thanhaeuser M, Wald M, Haiden N
For preterm infants, human milk (HM) has to be fortified to cover their enhanced nutritional requirements and establish adequate growth. Most HM fortifiers are based on bovine protein sources (BMF). An HM fortifier based on human protein sources (HMF) has become available in the last few years. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of an HMF versus BMF on growth in extremely low birth weight (ELBW, <1000 g) infants.
This was a retrospective, controlled, multicenter cohort study in infants with a birthweight below 1000 g. The HMF group received an exclusive HM diet up to 32+0 weeks of gestation and was changed to BMF afterwards. The BMF group received HM+BMF from fortifier introduction up to 37+0 weeks.
192 extremely low birth weight (ELBW)-infants were included (HMF n = 96, BMF n = 96) in the study. After the introduction of fortification, growth velocity up to 32+0 weeks was significantly lower in the HMF group (16.5 g/kg/day) in comparison to the BMF group (18.9 g/kg/day, p = 0.009) whereas all other growth parameters did not differ from birth up to 37+0 weeks. Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) incidence was 10% in the HMF and 8% in the BMF group.
Results from this study do not support the superiority of HFM over BMF in ELBW infants.
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