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Prolacta's Women's Leadership Development Academy (WLDA) recognizes employees

Each year, the Women’s Leadership Development Academy (WLDA) presents two worthy awards.

This year is no exception. The Fearless Girl Award, created in honor of the first recipient Terry Johnson, Director, Clinical Education, honors a person who clears hurdles to get things done. This year, it was presented to Nicola Gerty, Senior Project Manager, Product Innovation.

“In her 10+ years at Prolacta, Nicola has worn many hats, but perhaps the most meaningful hat is her purple Santa hat that she dons every year to lead our annual Presents for Preemies fundraiser,” said Aly Fuller, VP, Government Affairs and IP.

The fundraiser brings in thousands of items of clothing and other items for preemies that are donated by our generous employees and external partners. However, it takes the leadership of Nicola to inspire and organize these donations to ensure they are safely delivered to parents in need in Southern California and Boston. This makes the Holiday season a little brighter for hundreds upon hundreds of families.

The Ally Award honors a person who stands confidently alongside the women of Prolacta. This year, it was presented to Berj Varvaryan, Senior Manager, Quality Operations.

“He is respectful of the needs of the business, but also the commitment of the over 11,000 women who have donated to Prolacta since 2016 when he started at Prolacta. We have had many discussions about process improvements and ensuring that any changes continue to meet the very high quality and safety standards for which Prolacta is known,” said Susan Neumann, former VP, Milk Resourcing.

Other quotes from colleagues include:

“He's really encouraged me grow in the Quality Compliance space and has provided me the opportunities to do so. I've been at Prolacta for five years and have been promoted twice under his leadership.”

“He genuinely cares about the careers and hearts of those under his charge and we have fun along the way!”

“He installs confidence and believes in you, and he supported me in getting the auditor certification and where I am today in Prolacta.”

Congratulations to both Nicola and Berj, may your actions inspire others at Prolacta.

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