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Donor Ashlee

Quick facts:

  • Inpatient psych nurse and NICU nurse
  • Studying to become a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner
  • Family members have had preterm babies

"I'm an inpatient psych nurse and a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner student. I have three kids - ages 8, 3, and 1. I love to read and am obsessed with my Erin Condren® life planner, stickers, and pretty pens.

While my three children were full-term babies, prematurity has touched my heart in multiple ways. I was only 3 lb 14 oz at birth. My cousin was born at 27 weeks.  

I am also a former NICU nurse. I know how important liquid gold is! This is my third time exclusively pumping with an oversupply. One of my friends who is a phlebotomist recommended that I look into the Tiny Treasures Milk Bank.

When I started this journey, I wanted to meet a goal of sending in 10 donation coolers. I had no idea what to expect. I'm now waiting on coolers #23 and #24 to arrive and have no intention of stopping anytime soon! Sometimes I get ambitious and think of setting a 2-year donation goal.

This is my last baby, and my only Prolacta journey, so I feel like I should go big! The most rewarding part of being a donor is knowing that I'm making a difference in the lives of others! The compensation has allowed my significant other to stay at home with the kids, and we’re able to put them in activities like piano, swim, and gymnastics. I am so incredibly thankful for Tiny Treasures Milk Bank."