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Donor Sarah

Quick facts:

  • Former teacher, now a stay-at-home mom
  • NICU parent excited to give back

"I’m a former teacher and current stay-at-home mom. My husband and I have a 6-month-old baby girl and a Dachshund mix. I enjoy running, and I try to squeeze in various crafts, training my dog, cooking for fun, and home “fix-it” projects while my daughter naps.

Our daughter, Sedona, was unexpectedly born with a type of ichthyosis, a rare genetic skin condition requiring her to spend her first 4 weeks of life in a level-4 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

During this time, I learned about Prolacta and their important preterm nutritional products. Once Sedona was discharged, I was honored to become a milk donor; the most rewarding part of donation is knowing that my milk is going where it’s most needed.

The compensation has enabled me to stay at home longer with Sedona and helped us pay off some of her medical bills. I plan to use future “milk money” to put my dog through a therapy dog training and certification program. My goal is to volunteer at children’s hospitals with him to delight and help hospitalized children of all ages!

Due to the sense of community fostered by the Tiny Treasures Milk Bank staff and Facebook group, my goal is to pump and donate milk for at least 2 more years, or as long as my body will let me."