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The story of baby Parker, as told by his mom, Sarah

“I work at a childcare center, and I spent my day going back and forth between attending to the children and rushing to the restroom. I wrote off this increased need to urinate as a side effect of pregnancy … until I saw blood. At just 28 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I was quickly transported to the hospital where my water broke. I was given a steroid and magnesium to help prevent my baby from getting brain damage.

His heartbeat was strong; he was creating amniotic fluid and moving around. I was told to rest, and soon learned I was 7 cm dilated. After two minutes of pushing, he came right out. My son Parker was born weighing 2 lbs 6.5 oz (1091 g) and was 14 inches long.

Parker early NICU


“During our time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Parker had a bout of jaundice and hypothyroidism. There were several spells where he would stop breathing. So, they placed him on a ventilator, then eventually he moved on to a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.”

Parker NICU 5 lbs

Prolacta products in the NICU

"I started pumping breast milk right away, which was supplemented with Prolacta fortifiers. The lactation consultant explained how Prolacta’s products were made from donor breast milk and gave preemies such as Parker the extra nutrients they needed.”

Parker NICU mom

NICU graduation

“Parker left the NICU after 78 days, 5 inches taller and 5 pounds heavier! He did occupational therapy to improve his tummy time, crawling, and eye development. Now, at the age of 1 (9 months adjusted age), he just can’t stop moving.”

Parker 2 years old 2

Advice for NICU parents

“Document your NICU experience by taking photos and writing it down. Take your NICU journey day by day, cry whenever you need to, and reach out to your support network. You will want to remember what makes your child the superhero they are today.”

Parker parents in the NICU