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Thank you nurses: We're celebrating national nurses week

In honor of National Nurses Week (May 6 - 12), Prolacta would like to wish all nurses a happy nurses week and thank them for working tirelessly, providing comfort and making a difference in patient lives.

Featured Nurses

We'd like to recognize and share stories why our employees started their careers in nursing.

Heather Apgar, RN, BSN, CLC

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Clinical Sales Specialist I have been a nurse for 13 years - graduated from Rutgers University College of Nursing in 2002 and began as a staff nurse in the Pediatric Unit. In 2003, I was cross trained into the NICU to care for preterm infants and eventually received my Pediatric Nurse Certification in 2008. As soon as I started thinking about my professional future, I knew exactly what path I wanted to be on. I watched my incredible, amazing mother make a career as a nurse and there is no one I respect or admire more. She did everything from OR nursing to Pediatric nursing, to working in a nursing home. She spent her last 12 years as a NICU nurse before she retired and it was her time in the NICU was the most influential on my career choice. I would visit her often and she would take me around to see all of the tiny babies she was in charge of. I was fascinated by the physicians and nurses, and knew that I wanted to be a part of the team. I feel our mission at Prolacta has allowed me to continue to do what I loved to do as a nurse at the bedside….make a difference for patients and families! To all of my fellow nurses during National Nurses Week, lets celebrate!  I cannot tell you what an honor it is to be amongst this very special group of people! 

Sherry Asbill, RN, BSN

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Clinical Sales Specialist attended nursing school and graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1985 and knew from a very early age that I wanted to be a nurse as I was inspired by many wonderful nurses. My experience has been across the spectrum of life with a passion for cardiology, clinical nurse education, pediatrics and in the last 6 years a focus on infant and premature nutrition. For me, nursing has always been about passion, healing, helping and caring for people. A nurse is often the eyes and ears of a physician, must champion for the patient while assessing the patient’s state of health and disease, administer medications while waiting to note the affect or outcome, and performing treatments or procedures. Being a nurse at Prolacta has afforded me the opportunity to work with neonatal intensive care nurses that perform heroic acts each and every shift they work. A neonatal nurse doesn’t have a set lunch, dinner, or break time as they are on their feet for 12 hour shifts, surrounded by life alerting alarms continuously sounding off while calmly caring for the tiniest patients. Each time I am in a NICU, I witness these courageous and selfless caregivers stimulate preterm infants to breathe or to elevate their slowing heart rate, softly begging them to hang on or singing gently to them to soothe their cries. I am so proud to work with a company that stays patient centric, as does nursing. During Nurses Week, my wish for all nurses and especially NICU nurses is to take pride in all you do, know that you make a difference and you truly are bedside angels to the most fragile patients.

Emily Million, RN

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Clinical Sales Specialist I am a Registered Nurse who resides outside of Birmingham. AL and a mother of 2 beautiful daughters Lily and Rosalee. I have practiced nursing for 7 years. My background is comprised of providing care for mothers who had high risk pregnancies. I rotated regularly between L&D, ob/gyn surgical floors, and the NICU. It was working with women and children that I found my calling and passion as a nurse. I have also worked in pediatric surgery and adult critical care specializing in emergency trauma and burns. My journey with Prolacta Bioscience started when Rosalee, born at 23 weeks gestation, was among the first patients to receive an exclusive human milk diet in the hospital’s NICU. After witnessing her miraculous outcome, I joined Prolacta to educate and advocate other clinicians in the use of an optimal nutrition diet in the most fragile and delicate premature babies. Although I have only been at Prolacta since February, I truly enjoy seeing these fragile preemies survive and thrive. My mother has been a nurse for almost 20 years and is the person I have looked up to and admired more than anyone in my life. Over the years she has done a little bit of everything as a nurse but her passion is transplant nursing. I cannot put into words how incredibly smart, respectable, hardworking, strong, humble or selfless she is.As a child, I watched her provide care for her patients while raising 4 children. She always had a smile on her face while caring for others and it was and still is absolutely beautiful. I wanted to follow in her footsteps, and it was the most fulfilling and rewarding choice I could have ever made. Although I have only been at Prolacta Bioscience since February, I truly enjoy sharing about how amazing Prolacta products are. I know firsthand how they played a huge role in providing safe evidence based nutrition for my daughter and saving her life. Seeing other accounts become educated regarding an exclusive human milk diet, and how medicinally beneficial it is, and in turn seeing these fragile preemies survive and thrive just like Rosie has is the most rewarding experience I could ever ask for. I would like to say that I honestly enjoy working with each and every one of you. I consider it a privilege to do this line of work!

Dawn Minger, RN

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Director, Health Economics In my days practicing as an RN, I rotated between Labor and Delivery, NICU, as well as OB/GYN surgical nursing. Becoming a nurse had been my “calling” or maybe in my genes since I adored watching my father work his "magic" as a physician and surgeon in Mississippi. The best part of this profession is knowing each and every day that you were a major contributor to a person’s life or outcome. There is no better feeling or incentive in your job as a nurse other than saving lives, making someone as comfortable as possible, or saying just one thing that makes a patient’s day. I have been at Prolacta for 2 years as Director, Health Economics, and I get the same gratification (if not more) by being a champion for the lives of the tinest patients and their parents from a financial perspective. The tremendous partnership here at Prolacta is unbelievable and I am so honored to be at a place with fabulous folks who truly do everything that is right for the patients and families. To my nursing peers, thank you for all you do! Please continue sharing your passion in fighting for what is right for your babies - you are their voice and you are heard. Keep up the great work! Happy National Nurses week.

Carolyn Teneyck, RN

Advocacy Director My clinical background in the Medical and Cardiac Intensive Care Units coupled with Advocacy leadership in multiple therapeutic areas lead me to passionate focus on premature infants and families. Nursing was a calling I could not ignore. As innovators, we are charged with working as a team to provide healing and hope. My training as a nurse in the “gentle art of caring,” fuels my drive to unite others and galvanize a community to promote optimal health for fragile infants. I’ve had the honor of working with Prolacta for year and a half and have yet to meet a more patient-centered organization.  Many nurses come to Prolacta because of the ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of premature infants and their families.  For me, having a dual background in nursing, Advocacy and Public Policy, nothing could be greater than serving a population who needs others to “be their voice.” Together with the many parent and professional organizations that support these fragile infants, we can mutually advance innovation, access, education and empowerment. Nurses advocate for patients every day.  And that opportunity makes for a humbling and enriching life, with purpose.  Everything you do as nurses matters and your experience, comradery, knowledge and insights make you great employees, in any capacity.  You are flexible and strong. You can priority set and step up in stressful situations. You are confidential and empathetic, and others learn quickly they can depend on you. Proud to know you and proud to be one, thank you for all you do and Happy Nurses Week!

Terry Johnson, APN, NNP-BC, 

Director, Education and Professional Development

Jamie Strott, NNP-BC

Clinical Educator  

Stacy Wynn, RN BSN

Clinical Sales Specialist