The story of Eli, as told by his mom, Paloma
Type: Parent Stories
Topic(s): 22-27 weeks (extremely premature)
The story of Christina, as told by her moms, Monica and Brianna
Type: Parent Stories
Topic(s): 22-27 weeks (extremely premature) 26 weeker
Zeroing-in on efficacious human milk processing tech
Type: Prolacta in the News
Topic(s): Clinical Studies on Prolact/Humavant CR
Hot Topics in Neonatology 2022 Conference will include symposium on benefits of vat pasteurization for human donor milk
Type: Press Releases
Topic(s): Clinical Studies Clinical Studies on Prolact/Humavant CR Company Conferences and Events Microbiome Probiotics
Prolacta Clinical Advisory Board members present webinar on improved growth metrics for preterm infants fed an exclusive human milk diet
Type: Press Releases
Topic(s): Feeding Protocols Growth
Prolacta Bioscience celebrates Prematurity Awareness Month and World Prematurity Day by recognizing the contributions of breast milk donors, parents of premature infants, and the NICU teams who care for them
Type: Press Releases
Topic(s): 22-27 weeks (extremely premature) Company Donors Growth Long-Term outcomes
New study finds improved long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes for extremely premature infants fed Prolacta’s exclusive human milk diet (EHMD)
Type: Press Releases
Topic(s): Long-Term outcomes Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
Breaking data on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an exclusive human milk diet for premature infants to be presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2022 National Conference
Type: Press Releases
Topic(s): Company Conferences and Events Cost Savings / Cost Effectiveness
New peer-reviewed study finds vat pasteurization retains molecular structure of naturally occurring bioactive proteins in human donor milk, similar to raw breast milk
Type: Press Releases
Topic(s): Clinical Studies Clinical Studies on Prolact/Humavant CR Microbiome Pasteurization Quality & Safety