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Vigilant donor Susanne ensures the safety in every drop

Quick facts:

  • Susanne is an Independent Consultant
  • Celebrates each donation shipment with her daughters
  • She has a goal of donating 10,000 ounces during her donation journey.

“I am married to Matt and am a stay-at-home mama to three beautiful girls - Annie, Caroline and Kate! Before having kids, I was an elementary school teacher at a few different schools, one of which was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. In between the joys of parenting, I work as an Independent Consultant. I love traveling and experiencing life and the joy it brings through my daughters' eyes.

Although I had an oversupply of breastmilk with my first two daughters, I didn’t discover Tiny Treasures until Kate, my youngest, was born, after doing some online research about what to do with my excess supply.

Having the opportunity to partner with Prolacta to help fragile babies around the world was something I didn't want to pass up. While being an overproducer comes with its challenges, I know it's not common, and it's something I am able to do to make a difference! I haven't had a baby in the NICU but I know others who have. Anything that helps those sweet babies while supporting the nutrition they need and providing some relief for the parents is such an honor to participate in.

At the start of this journey, I was a bit anxious that my milk wouldn't pass the bacillus cereus screening even though I was following the guidelines. With each passing cooler, that anxiety lessened, and instead of seeing those guidelines as stressors, I saw them as strategies that helped set me up for success.

It is so rewarding to provide nourishment for sweet babies in the NICU. It is often a team effort with my girls, packing the coolers, and celebrating each box that is shipped with a picture. It's fun seeing them grow in the photos, and I love sharing my journey with them.

The self-discipline of nursing, pumping, washing, and sanitizing is something I am proud of each day! It takes a lot of dedication and consistency. My goal is to donate 10,000 ounces by the end of this journey. Thanks to donation compensation, I am excited to fund a Disney Cruise in 2024 for my family - a dream vacation!

My advice to other donors: You. Are. AMAZING! Your donation journey is unique to you and has incredible value. It's ok if there are days when you don't have as much milk to set aside for donation. Give yourself grace and flexibility during your journey, take the vacation, and celebrate each little milestone along the way."

Donor Susanne's Daughters